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he never came back
to his love so fair
and so she died
dreaming of his kiss

his kiss was honey
a taste more bitter
than wine Lizz Wright, "A Taste Of Honey"



Kurwa, durni amerykance sobe zawsze mysla, ze caly swiat mówi po angielsku... rpm-4.0.2/build.c:isSpecFile() comment
Programming done properly is meditation - your mind transcends to some other place, of pure thought, with a thousand variables being juggled effortlessly. Key Rules and Tenets of XP
You're joking, right?



I'm damn fed up with the FSF being the "protector of freedoms", and also feeling that they can define what those freedoms mean. Linus


At the board meetings they would say, 'We should do a deal with AOL,'" he recalls. "And I'd be like, 'Guys, the site is not working.' Jonathan Abrams, "How to Kill a Great Idea!"



Please keep in mind that you will probably need to buffer some data, as partial (or multiple) protocol messages may be received! twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol.dataReceived



Debugging a program running on a $100M piece of hardware that is 100 million miles away is an interesting experience. Having a read-eval-print loop running on the spacecraft proved invaluable in finding and fixing the problem. Erann Gat, "Lisping at JPL"




Netbeans struggle



All remaining exprs are initialization expressions to be evaluated when the class is instantiated. Classes and Objects, Creating Classes



O'Reilly will also publish a Haskell book (under Creative Commons!)


Just another bonus of automated testing: less and less whack-a-mole! The Whack-A-Mole Project
George BensonMissing YouExcept for this one acceptable song George Benson's "Irreplaceable" is a mistake...
Zdaniem ekspertów zmiany prawa powinny zmierzać do zaostrzenia sankcji za piractwo komputerowe. Za ściąganie plików z internetu do więzienia cię nie wsadzą


Czynności ofiarnicze, brzydziej mówiąc wynikające z mniemania, iż bóstwa patronujące światu są korumpowalne (przekupne), to właściwie przekonanie jest powszechnie uniwersalne dla wszystkich bodajże wiar, i tylko w poszczególnych przybiera rozmaitą merytorycznie i liturgicznie postać. Stanisław Lem, "Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju", str. 277 (i ostatnia)



Informacja nie może w skali światowej bezkarnie i nieselekcyjnie po prostu przybywać: wyścigi producentów i wynalazców procesorów, które i Pentium pozostawiły już w tyle, nie mogą trwać wiecznie, gdyż wyglądałoby to na asymptotycznie zorientowany trend, abyśmy się stali zbiorowością wszechwiedzącą, czyli Bitowym Panem Bogiem. Stanisław Lem, "Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju", str. 248



There will be a Haskell book from Pragmatic Programmers.



Kolejny serwis powinien nazywac sie Darmowe Napisy dla Niesłyszących. znikły z sieci
I tak dalej.
That morality is system-sensitive escaped the attention of most codifiers of ethics in the past. "Thou shalt not ..." is the form of traditional ethical directives which make no allowance for particular circumstances. The laws of our society follow the pattern of ancient ethics, and therefore are poorly suited to governing a complex, crowded, changeable world. "The Tragedy of the Commons", How To Legislate Temperance?
To couple the concept of freedom to breed with the belief that everyone born has an equal right to the commons is to lock the world into a tragic course of action. "The Tragedy of the Commons", Freedom To Breed Is Intolerable
An idiot can inherit millions, and a trust fund can keep his estate intact. We must admit that our legal system of private property plus inheritance is unjust--but we put up with it because we are not convinced, at the moment, that anyone has invented a better system. The alternative of the commons is too horrifying to contemplate. Injustice is preferable to total ruin. "The Tragedy of the Commons", Mutual Coercion Mutually Agreed upon



Let’s talk about frameworks, designer edition, programmer edition, DBA edition.
It's mostly about not being a jerk. Podcast with Angie Byron
Any sufficiently complicated rhtml partial contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, implementation of half of Haml. Haml / Grigsby's First Rule
The last episode of Gilmore Girls...



Code review system implemented in Acunote looks really nice. I would love to have someting like that for Trac (and no, Peer Review Plugin doesn't work for me, as it works on source files, not diffs). If it looked like Django book commenting system I'd truly love it.
Urodziły się z wadą słuchu, bo do szczęścia brakuje im ciszy. "Z wadą serca"
An app is just a collection of data and code that makes up some sort of logical "unit". Typically, projects are composed of a number of apps; the cool part is that apps can be reused in multiple projects. A (fast-paced) introduction to Django.



The irony is that many, perhaps most, of the programmers who have the skill set needed to win programming competitions (the ability to write mostly-correct fast algorithms quickly) have little or no design sense. And yet, according to the ACM, the most august body in computer science, these people are "the best programmers"! This sends a message that the ability to design a program well is not an important skill, and explains a lot about why we have to live with bad software which keeps crashing all the time. Why I hate programming competitions
The Django admin is powered by Django itself, and its interfaces use Django’s own template system. (How meta!) Writing your first Django app, part 2
If you’re hungry for acronyms, you might say that Django is a "MTV" framework — that is, "model", "template", and "view." That breakdown makes much more sense. Django FAQ



While TDD may not be the best tool for inventing new algorithms, it may very well be the best tool for applying those algorithms to the problem at hand. Solving Sudoku with TDD
W samym sercu religii (...) tkwią pewne idee, które określa się mianem świętości, sacrum, czy jeszcze inaczej. Ich sens jest taki: „O tej idei nie wolno ci powiedzieć złego słowa; po prostu nie wolno. Dlaczego nie? Bo nie, i już!”. Jeżeli ktoś głosuje na partię, z której poglądami się nie zgadzamy, wolno nam spierać się o to do woli, ale nikt się nie obraża. Jeżeli ktoś jest zdania, że podatki trzeba podnieść lub obniżyć, można się o to spierać. Ale kiedy ktoś powie „Nie wolno mi zapalać lampy w sobotę”, mówimy: „Szanuję to”. Douglas Adams
Ściąć każdego, kto powie, że islam to religia przemocy. Napis z transparentu
Chwile ulotne
Plus i minus
Nobilis is a social game. It's a game where everything that matters can talk to you, and you can talk to it. It's a game where you can make an alliance with Honor, fight a duel with Fire, and sleep with Night in the long drowsy hours between. (...) What's important is whom you know, and how they feel about you. What's important is how you choose to treat the world. The universe cares about you. (...) The mountain might not move if you kick it, but it will notice. Nobilis
It is also possible that such a probe (or system of probes if it was launched as a Von Neumann probe) may outlive the civilization which created and launched it. What such a probe would do in such a case depends on its programming. Bracewell probe
Obecne pokolenie 20- i 30-latków musi mieć świadomość, że za kilkadziesiąt lat mogą spodziewać się bardzo niewielkich emerytur, a swoją starość muszą zabezpieczać sobie sami np. oszczędzając w III filarze. Przyszłe emerytury na tykającej bombie



Tam, gdzie w przyszłości doszłoby do zamiany prawdziwej natury na doskonałą jej namiastkę, gdzie zacznie już znikać różnica pomiędzy tym, co naturalne, i tym, co sztuczne, w wypchanej elektroniką, pełną czarów, samotności może będzie się, kto wie, czaił już jako łaknienie autentyczności, jako głód prawdziwego ryzyka i rzeczywistych zmagań z przeciwnościami życia - depresyjny obłęd. Stanisław Lem, "Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju", str. 140



Why I love Firebug
Nową regulację wprowadzono na wniosek niemieckich księgarzy, którzy protestowali przeciwko dumpingowym cenom książek w Internecie. Ich zdaniem sprzedaż nowości po cenach niższych od cen w księgarniach narusza zasady uczciwej konkurencji. Kontrola nad książkowymi aukcjami w Internecie
Sprzedaż po niższej cenie narusza zasadę uczciwej konkurencji!?



Stan gier fabularnych w Polsce
Wychodzi na to, że bycie MG to jakiś rodzaj masochizmu. Musi kupić, musi przeczytać, musi wyjaśnić, ale nie wolno mu nawet ubić kogo chce, bo to zwalono na "element losowy". Kup pan cegłę...
Podręczniki przestały wreszcie być jakimiś tajemniczymi, okultystycznymi woluminami, które trzeba kupować w specjalnych sklepach pełnych trupich główek i wypchanych krokodyli. Satanizm i sekciarstwo
RaV: Ostatnio bardzo głośno było w Internecie o Pańskim wrogim nastawieniu do sieci p2p, spowodowane nielegalnym kopiowaniem Pańskiej książki "Co z tą Polską". Czy nie uważa Pan, że ksiażka w wersji elektronicznej może zachęcić do kupna tradycyjnego wydania? Ws...
Tomasz__Lis: Czy to takie dziwne że mam wrogi stosunek do ludzi którzy mnie okradają? Czat: Powrót Tomasza Lisa
Grochola za pół ceny, Lis za darmo za dyskusją na forum
Wciąż o tej "kradzieży intelektualnej", jakby ktoś autorów z inteligencji rzeczywiście okradł...
"I can't see."
"Use the force!"
Po co komukolwiek dobra zabawa, śmiech, tańce, hulanki, swawole i palenie lulków, skoro można cierpieć, przeżywać egzystencjalne rozterki wewnętrzne i być dzięki temu zdecydowanie bardziej poważnym graczem (cokolwiek miałoby to znaczyć)? Pomroczność jasna



To jest ciekawe, że gdy ktoś wyprodukuje jakiś rzyg, który nie ma sensu, to zaraz znajdzie się fan nazywający to jazzem Pakosław, pl.rec.muzyka.jazz
Człowiek to brzmi już jak obelga, nic w tym "dumnego" u schyłku stulecia. Stanisław Lem, "Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju", str. 119
Nauka o stanie umysłu



Acts As Enterprisey plugin for Rails
Najwyżej mógłbym wyrazić żal, że nie w kraju, nie w Polsce przewidywania moje, ubrane po części w kostiumy i pokazane w scenerii Science Fiction, zrozumiane zostały, ocenione i uznane za brzemienne w prawdę - w prawdę przyszłości po prostu. Ale to, co powiada porzekadło Nemo propheta in patria sua nie zostało wczoraj wymyślone i w gruncie rzeczy powtarza tylko pewien bardzo stary stereotyp, przeciw któremu brak lekarstwa. Wszak musiałem tutaj tłumaczyć moje teksty z niemieckiego!
Nauka w Polsce znajduje się w fatalnym stanie i nic nie rokuje terapii, która by ten stan zapaści uleczyła. Ale to już jest tematem do następnych roztrząsań: aura polityczna sprzyja na razie naszemu cofaniu się i prawdziwie niebezpiecznym wybuchom sarmatyzacyjnego sobkostwa... Stanisław Lem, "Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju", str. 87-88


With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead. RFC 1925



He looks like a burrito. Jeliza-Rose, "Tideland"
Setting up svnserve using xinetd.
"Berkeley DB error while opening environment for filesystem /usr/local/svnroot/db:\nPermission denied" Trac error is caused by missing write permission for Apache server. Solution: add www-data to your svn group.


- Dlaczego kapele metalowe grają tak szybko?
- Bo gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy!
"gem install RMagick" fails with "/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory" (solution) and then with "Can't find Magick-config or GraphicsMagick-config program" (solution).
Nihil est in intellectu, quod non prius fuerit in sensu. ("Niczego nie ma w umyśle takiego, czego uprzednio w zmysłach nie było.")


Updated system to Kubuntu 7.04.
"Nowy umysł cesarza" skończony, zabieram się za "Tajemnicę chińskiego pokoju".



I mean, what’s so Object Oriented about Servlets? They're actually very functional. You usually just implement one method/function which accepts user data as parameters, munges it and then forwards more data somewhere else, where we display the response. Zen and the Art of Functional Programming



Jeśli kiedykolwiek odkryjemy, jakie cechy układu fizycznego sprawiają, że staje się on świadomy, być może zdołamy sami skonstruować taki układ. Trudno byłoby nazwać go "maszyną" w obecnym znaczeniu tego słowa. (...) Można sobie wyobrazić, że korzystając ze swej przewagi obiekty takie zajęłyby miejsce ludzi, podczas gdy algorytmiczne komputery są, moim zdaniem, skazane na służebą rolę. Roger Penrose, "Nowy umysł cesarza"
Tyle zapisanych stron po to żeby na koniec oddać pola...



Resolved issue with Rails tests giving me "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp". I unset LC_ALL (which was set to pl_PL.UTF-8) and defined only (LC_TIME=C). I learned the theory from environment variables tutorial.



You can also configure darcs to automagically run a test after each application of a patch, and then reject those that fail. Why I like Darcs
Ever-clean repository, without failing tests, very cool!
Back when LibraryThing had a million tags, Amazon could have bought our data for the price of a cup of coffee. Now, that we're big and important and have three employees, that'll be THREE cups of coffee, buster! When tags work and when they don't: Amazon and LibraryThing
Perl is designed to help people learn the bits of programming they need right now without forcing them to learn the techniques they aren't ready for. But when they are ready for them, Perl tries to be there too. Larry Wall On Perl, Religion, and...
TPF and SoC 2007Why The Perl Foundation is not part of the Summer of Code this year
Intention-revealing code beats comments any day of the week. More Test-Driven Development in Python



Nie może byc tak, że ciągle mówimy, że nas na coś nie stac. To obniża prestiż państwa... Jarosław Kaczyński, "IV RP (Rzeczpospolita Piłkarska)"


Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses. Worse is better
Scheme is a smaller Lisp, but it also suffers from the MIT approach. It is too tight and not appropriate for large-scale software. Worse is better



The Stationers reasoned, people who write would always need a publisher's cooperation to make their work generally available. Their strategy used this fact to maximum advantage. They went before Parliament and offered the then-novel argument that authors had a natural and inherent right of ownership in what they wrote, and that furthermore, such ownership could be transferred to other parties by contract, like any other form of property. The Promise of a Post-Copyright World
Everybody's in marketing; the only difference is between people who know they're in marketing and people who haven't figured it out. Why Geeks Should Study Acting



None of these scaling approaches are as fun and easy as developing for Rails. All the convenience methods and syntactical sugar that makes Rails such a pleasure for coders ends up being absolutely punishing, performance-wise. Once you hit a certain threshold of traffic, either you need to strip out all the costly neat stuff that Rails does for you (RJS, ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport, etc.) or move the slow parts of your application out of Rails, or both. 5 Question Interview with Twitter Developer Alex Payne
The film reminds us that, of all strange things we can imagine, the weirdest is reality itself. Slavoj Zizek about "Children of Men"
The absurdity of the situation, when put in the wider context, is breath-taking: with tens of millions dying of AIDS and hunger all around the world, the public opinion in the US focused on a single case of prolonging the run of a naked life, of a persistent vegetative state deprived of all specifically human characteristics. These are the two extremes we find ourselves today with regard to human rights: on the one hand those "missed by the bombs" (mentally and physically full human beings, but deprived of rights), on the other hand a human being reduced to bare vegetative life, but this bare life protected by the entire state apparatus. Slavoj Zizek about "Children of Men"
If the old hierarchic societies oppressed vital forces through their rigid ideological systems and the state apparatuses that enforced them, today’s societies are losing their vitality through their very permissive hedonism: everything is allowed, but decaffeinated, deprived of its substance. Slavoj Zizek about "Children of Men"



HTTP = UFBP (Universal Firewall Bypass Protocol)



The cyclomatic complexity of a section of source code is the count of the number of linearly independent paths through the source code. Cyclomatic complexity
A low cyclomatic complexity contributes to a program's understandability and indicates it is amenable to modification at lower risk than a more complex program. A module's cyclomatic complexity is also a strong indicator of its testability. Cyclomatic Complexity
Note that, like all interactions in this approach, it's not event-driven - it's state-driven. If you keep re-POSTing the same Invoice, or Item or Offer, it only gets created once, and the email only needs to be sent once! The REST Dialogues: Business Functions
Oh, there is no spec. This is just what Microsoft seems to be doing. Looked like a good idea, so now all the cool kids are doing it. The S stands for Simple
If you're unlucky, they'll ask you to derive the outline of their Ph.D. thesis on fault-tolerant massively parallel machine-learning systems. Or to solve a grand-unification style computation problem involving telephone switches, grid networks, and third-degree differential equations. Or, God forbid, they'll ask you about the darkest corners of C++ syntax. The Truth About Interviewing
There was a mindset for a long time that to have proper model-view separation, you needed to have the HTML in a template file that was modified by the designer that was linked in various ways to the code. You had your objects, you had your HTML template, and then you had a binding file that described how they are related to each other. Different vendors did that in different ways, but Seaside throws that away too, and says, 'No, we are going to have programmatic HTML generation. Each component is just going to be given a canvas and is going to spit out its own HTML, using that API. Heresy and turtles (all the way down) with Avi Bryant



C should only be used to implement something better. thorat, via Haskell Weekly News
Any cure which relies on tighter regulation of the market — especially the kind of extreme measures being advocated by some people — is far worse than the disease. As a widespread phenomenon rather than a nuisance, piracy occurs when artificial restrictions in the market jack up prices beyond what people think are reasonable. The "regulation-enforcement-more regulation" strategy is a bottomless pit which continually recreates (on a larger scale) the problem it supposedly solves. And that commercial effect is often compounded by the more general damage done to social and political freedom. Introducing the Baen Free Library
PHP is going mainstream, and cutting edge developers are looking elsewhere. Fight the next battle
...this has always been my fear for Rails; that in five to ten years, the worst jobs you could get will be Rails jobs where you're maintaining stuff built by non-programmers who figured Rails made programming so easy that they didn't really need to understand what they were doing. A Conversation With Reg Braithwaite
Store money amounts in decimal, not float in Rails.


He had located the data he was working on near the top of memory -- the largest locations the instructions could address -- so, after the last datum was handled, incrementing the instruction address would make it overflow. The carry would add one to the operation code, changing it to the next one in the instruction set: a jump instruction. Sure enough, the next program instruction was in address location zero, and the program went happily on its way. The Story of Mel, a Real Programmer
Antypolska i antynarodowa żydopropaganda
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# Wikipedia - ufundowana w Izraelu
# "Walt Disney Co." - Po smierci Walta Disnaya firma wykupiona w 1984 przez Michaela Eisnera (żyda); firma calkowicie zmienila profil produkcji.

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