

He had located the data he was working on near the top of memory -- the largest locations the instructions could address -- so, after the last datum was handled, incrementing the instruction address would make it overflow. The carry would add one to the operation code, changing it to the next one in the instruction set: a jump instruction. Sure enough, the next program instruction was in address location zero, and the program went happily on its way. The Story of Mel, a Real Programmer
Antypolska i antynarodowa żydopropaganda
# ICQ - ("I seek you") ufundowana w Tel Avivivie, Israel
# Wikipedia - ufundowana w Izraelu
# "Walt Disney Co." - Po smierci Walta Disnaya firma wykupiona w 1984 przez Michaela Eisnera (żyda); firma calkowicie zmienila profil produkcji.

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