

The cyclomatic complexity of a section of source code is the count of the number of linearly independent paths through the source code. Cyclomatic complexity
A low cyclomatic complexity contributes to a program's understandability and indicates it is amenable to modification at lower risk than a more complex program. A module's cyclomatic complexity is also a strong indicator of its testability. Cyclomatic Complexity
Note that, like all interactions in this approach, it's not event-driven - it's state-driven. If you keep re-POSTing the same Invoice, or Item or Offer, it only gets created once, and the email only needs to be sent once! The REST Dialogues: Business Functions
Oh, there is no spec. This is just what Microsoft seems to be doing. Looked like a good idea, so now all the cool kids are doing it. The S stands for Simple
If you're unlucky, they'll ask you to derive the outline of their Ph.D. thesis on fault-tolerant massively parallel machine-learning systems. Or to solve a grand-unification style computation problem involving telephone switches, grid networks, and third-degree differential equations. Or, God forbid, they'll ask you about the darkest corners of C++ syntax. The Truth About Interviewing
There was a mindset for a long time that to have proper model-view separation, you needed to have the HTML in a template file that was modified by the designer that was linked in various ways to the code. You had your objects, you had your HTML template, and then you had a binding file that described how they are related to each other. Different vendors did that in different ways, but Seaside throws that away too, and says, 'No, we are going to have programmatic HTML generation. Each component is just going to be given a canvas and is going to spit out its own HTML, using that API. Heresy and turtles (all the way down) with Avi Bryant

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