

W niedzielę nie handluje. Bo zabronione... Artur jest głęboko wierzący. W Boga i siebie jako dilera - przyszłego bossa mafii. Sobota dilująca
The ability to modify code dynamically can be valuable, but it should be done with caution and clearly flagged up. The casual nature by which it can be done in Ruby worries me - again, it may be "fun" now, but how about debugging code using it in a few years time? What’s Wrong With Ruby?
In fact, one thing I have noticed is that the people who I consider to be good software developers barely ever apply for jobs at all. I know lots of great people who took a summer internship on a whim and then got permanent offers. They only ever applied for one or two jobs in their lives. Everyone thinks they're hiring the top 1%
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? Scott Adams
How might you design a program that lets people play Monopoly with each other over the internet? Reg Braithwaite, "My favourite interview question"
I find it interesting that, in the Perl world anyway, this sort of thing is becoming the entry-point for folk into open-source projects. "patches welcome" is becoming "failing tests welcome". Adrian Howard
You can’t carry around the label of Zero Risk (TM) and expect to be the next big thing. Don’t scale: 99.999% uptime is for Wal-Mart

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