

> Please, let me introduce you
> Wally. Wally is a fly. The fly
> flies.
> Do you know Bally? Bally's a fly
> too. The flies fly. (Bally and
> Wally).

> (defvar *Wally* (make-instance 'fly))
> (defvar *Bally* (make-instance 'fly))
> (let ((fly *Wally)
> (flies (list *Wally* *Bally*)))
> (flies fly)
> (fly flies))


C-LUSER -67322 > flies
(*wally*) Lisp-2 or Lisp-1
Ice skating day
(...) What unifies dialects of Lisp is not the operators themselves, but rather the set of people who provide them. In essence, I'll suggest that Lisp is a social phenomenon, akin to a political party, and that what unifies Lisp are the people who are its leaders, and the ways in which they respond (or fail to respond) to the needs of that community. Kent M. Pitman, "More Than Just Words"
Documentation Driven Development example as practiced in Zope - now that's an executable documentation!

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