Invasion Of The Dynamic Language Weenies: Boring, I read only few paragraphs (I'm certified weenie now, as author says: At eight thousand words, this article requires far longer to read than the attention span of the average dynamic language weenie. I know most of them will have skipped directly to the conclusion to save themselves valuable time; time that could be spent in devoted worship of their favorite DL.). Author doesn't understand that 2+2=5 and his mere three bullets of DLs characteristics simply miss the point.
RADAR: RESTful Application talking to Dumb Ass Recipient PragDave nails it. Again.
This is where it becomes important that you learn to become one with the pixels and make them bend to your will. So You Want To Be A Pixel Artist? - chapters 7-11
Apparently what the politicians care about is forming a new generation of office workers or IT specialists, not necessarily better educated individuals on the whole. State of OLPC in Romania, alternative laptop proposed
The best way to learn is to take a real problem, push the limits and see where things break. Why I chose erlang (very, very long story)
So You Want To Be A Pixel Artist? - chapters 1-6
Obiektowość jest bardzo ważna, ale zdrowy rozsądek jest ważniejszy. Waldemar Kot o Anemic Domain Model
Być może nadchodzi epoka skrajnej demokracji, w której większość przegłosowuje bezpardonowo mniejszość. Grupy uciskane? Jak to, przecież mogły się wyrazić w audiotele (wysłać dziesięć, a nie jeden sms) tańce ludowe
Sprzątanie nie jest dla białych. Są od tego Turcy i ludzie innych ras - mówiła dzieciom pewna szwedzka nauczycielka. Sprzątanie nie jest dla białych

Helpers testing
AuthenticationFairy was an expert in authentication. You told the fairy who was authenticating and from where, and the fairy might dutifully produce a SessionGnome or laugh in your face. The SessionGnome, of course, was very protective of its data and if you tried to touch the data directly, it would whack you with a stick. The AuthenticationFairy
The reasons behind the desire to spend time and resources on learning something new, shouldn’t only be the prospective of getting a good job. It’s rather the joy of learning new concepts, letting the mind bend and forge to a multitude of paradigms, within different communities and environments. Haskell Eye for the Ruby Guy
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Google rocks. Homage to you. Hoogle - The Haskell API Search Engine
Ruby's thread scheduler is a simple cooperative timeslicing scheduler. Each thread is given in turn at least 10ms to execute undisturbed. Ruby Threading
# Whoever comes are the right people.
# Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
# Whenever it starts is the right time.
# When it is over it is over. Open space
Long running tests smells because they broke the main idea of TDD - you will not use such tests for leading your __development__. And since TDD is about the development and not about testing this is fatal for the whole idea. Just using tests not mean using TDD. Vladimir Ignatov on TIP
Czytając więc poniższe rady i pracując w swoim projekcie pamiętaj, że nikt nie jest ponad polityką. Sprawianie wrażenia, że jest się ponad nią, jest jedynie szczególną strategią polityczną, czasem bardzo użyteczną, ale nigdy nie jest to prawda. Recenzja "Producing Open Source Software"
Free software projects have mostly learned a sure-fire way to avoid a failure to live up to their promises: they don't make any. Avoiding the tar pit
Organizacyjny horyzont czasowy przy konfigurowaniu urządzeń sieciowych. dr Ryszard Sobczak, "Konfigurowanie urządzeń sieciowych"
W niedzielę nie handluje. Bo zabronione... Artur jest głęboko wierzący. W Boga i siebie jako dilera - przyszłego bossa mafii. Sobota dilująca
The ability to modify code dynamically can be valuable, but it should be done with caution and clearly flagged up. The casual nature by which it can be done in Ruby worries me - again, it may be "fun" now, but how about debugging code using it in a few years time? What’s Wrong With Ruby?
In fact, one thing I have noticed is that the people who I consider to be good software developers barely ever apply for jobs at all. I know lots of great people who took a summer internship on a whim and then got permanent offers. They only ever applied for one or two jobs in their lives. Everyone thinks they're hiring the top 1%
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? Scott Adams
How might you design a program that lets people play Monopoly with each other over the internet? Reg Braithwaite, "My favourite interview question"
I find it interesting that, in the Perl world anyway, this sort of thing is becoming the entry-point for folk into open-source projects. "patches welcome" is becoming "failing tests welcome". Adrian Howard
You can’t carry around the label of Zero Risk (TM) and expect to be the next big thing. Don’t scale: 99.999% uptime is for Wal-Mart
Externals Definitions (
Uczeń zdolny jest przede wszystkim dzieckiem. Czy tylko piękny umysł?
Have the mascots of your favorite free softwares battle in the Wormux arena. Using dynamite, grenades, baseball bat and others bazookas Wormux
By być godnym swej nazwy - Homo Sapiens - musi wyzbyć się prędkości zanim zredukuje nas ona do rzędu gatunków zagrożonych wymarciem. Nieustępliwa obrona spokojnej materialnej przyjemności jest jedynym sposobem przeciwstawienia się globalnemu szaleństwu szybkości. Manifest Slow Food
Trends in Programming Languages or "The end of 'language advocacy'"
["0x12", 3, "45", 6.7].map_to_imap_by_method goodness
# => [0, 3, 45, 6]
Some people claim everything is lisp. One time I was eating some spaghetti and someone came by and said: 'Hey, nice lisp dialect you're hacking in there'. ray (via Quotes of the Week in Haskell Weekly News)
When customers have a problem and you fix it, they’re actually going to be even more satisfied than if they never had a problem in the first place. Seven steps to remarkable customer service
> Please, let me introduce you
> Wally. Wally is a fly. The fly
> flies.
> Do you know Bally? Bally's a fly
> too. The flies fly. (Bally and
> Wally).
> (defvar *Wally* (make-instance 'fly))
> (defvar *Bally* (make-instance 'fly))
> (let ((fly *Wally)
> (flies (list *Wally* *Bally*)))
> (flies fly)
> (fly flies))
C-LUSER -67322 > flies
(*wally*) Lisp-2 or Lisp-1
(...) What unifies dialects of Lisp is not the operators themselves, but rather the set of people who provide them. In essence, I'll suggest that Lisp is a social phenomenon, akin to a political party, and that what unifies Lisp are the people who are its leaders, and the ways in which they respond (or fail to respond) to the needs of that community. Kent M. Pitman, "More Than Just Words"
Documentation Driven Development example as practiced in Zope - now that's an executable documentation!
Schools should teach deep, strategic computer insights that can't be learned from reading a manual. Life-Long Computer Skills
Most of the benefits from doing the work in your head aren’t in the improved speed that you get from doing it. They are from the improvement in your ability to write correct code in the first place. REAL programmers don’t use pencils
Perl began with the assumption that it would not be the only tool in your toolbox: it set out from the beginning to play well with others. By contrast, there have always been many flavors of LISP and Smalltalk any of which have tried to be pretty much everything you ever need. Playing Nice - what Perl's got that LISP and Smalltalk lack
Root of All Evil?
The Virus Of Faith
The problem is that copyright law is not intended for the public. It is a law that is unintelligible for anyone other than copyright lawyers. It has these draconian notions that anyone copying something is a pirate. This is just a lot of nonsense. Hal Abelson, "Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and Universities"
Few interesting bits from "The Emperor's New Mind":
- There are things we know but we can't prove (Gödel's theorem)
- Simplicity of lambda calculus introduced by Alonzo Church
- Halting problem which has a nice (and understandable!) sketch of proof on Wikipedia
- There exist a whole class of problems which cannot be solved with an algorithm: Diophantine equations, word problem and tessellation (with a special case of aperiodic tiling which Penrose tiling is an example)
"Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" is a book I want to read right after "The Emperor's New Mind".
Python 3.0 talk conclusions. The neat:
- Keyword-only parameters (PEP 3102)
- Set literals

The beauty of Mandelbrot set.
An Introduction to SQLite conclusions:
- Whenever you feel you want to create new file format (be it binary or XML) consider SQLite database.
- Compiles SQL statements to bytecode. Bytecode itself can be examined by adding EXPLAIN in front of a SQL statement.
- SQLite is good for education - single binary you can drop anywhere is everything you need to try it interactively.
- 60% of SQLite code is regression tests giving 90% code coverage.

A bit of Rails doesn't hurt.
(...) computing profession acts as if there isn't anything to learn from the past. Alan Kay
High quality testing is a very creative activity, and can be just as personally fulfilling as development of the software product itself. Testing - an afterthought for opensource?
Guido's PyCon 2007 Review and some PyCon Untold Stories by Gary Bernhardt.
Widzę, że pani mama przenosi się do bozi, chce już odpocząć, nic nie pomoże, proszę zamknąć wszystkie administracyjne sprawy. O telewizji
Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained. The Tao Of Programming
The Pursuit of Happyness - highly recommended
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